Whereas, every human being, including the unborn, is created in the image and likeness of God, endowed with intrinsic value and dignity from the moment of conception, irrespective of age, size, level of development, degree of dependency, or location; and

Whereas, the sanctity of human life is a core value that must be defended, recognizing that each individual’s unique identity and human rights are established at conception, signaling the beginning of a distinct, unrepeatable human existence; and

Whereas, the right to life is a paramount human right that must be preserved for all individuals, acknowledging that an unborn child does not forfeit this fundamental right under any circumstances, including the nature of conception or external conditions; and

Whereas, advancements in science and medicine unequivocally affirm the humanity of the unborn, demonstrating their distinct life and human traits early in gestation, thereby underscoring the moral imperative to protect such life; and

Whereas, justice and morality demand that society’s protections be extended to the most vulnerable, including unborn children, who lack the ability to assert their own right to life; and

Whereas, abortion constitutes the intentional termination of an innocent human life, equating to the act of murder, and as such, should be recognized and treated with the corresponding legal and moral gravity; and

Whereas, the practice of abortion not only extinguishes an innocent human life but may also result in lasting psychological, emotional, and physical harm to those involved, counteracting the principles of health and well-being; and

Whereas, it is the collective responsibility of society to offer compassion, support, and viable alternatives to abortion, thereby enabling women and families to make life-affirming decisions amidst adversity;

Be it resolved that Christian Liberty Network hereby calls for the abolition of abortion, advocating for legal frameworks and policies that recognize the act of intentionally terminating an unborn child as tantamount to murder, with all due legal consequences; and

Be it further resolved that Christian Liberty Network affirms the recognition of unborn children as human beings entitled to the same rights and protections as those who are born, thereby advocating for laws that protect the right to life from conception until natural death; and

Be it further resolved that Christian Liberty Network commits to fostering a culture that values, respects, and legally protects every human being at all stages of life, promoting education, support services, and advocacy efforts toward this end; and

Be it further resolved that Christian Liberty Network encourages the establishment and support of programs that offer alternatives to abortion, such as adoption services, maternal and prenatal care, and comprehensive family support networks, ensuring access to necessary resources for choosing life.

Adopted this 28th of March, 2024, by Christian Liberty Network.